The Alano Espanol, also known by the names Spanish Alano or Spanish Bulldog, is a large molosser type originating from Spain and historically was bred for such purposes as catching, hunting, and guarding.
While the Spanish Alano originated from Spain, interestingly enough, it got its name from the Iranian tribe, the Alani. During the 5th century, nomadic tribes from Iran moved into Spain, where they brought different types of dogs known for hunting, livestock guarding, and pursuit. These breeds formed the foundation of many of the Alunt type dogs we know today.
The first written reference to the breed in Spain is in a chapter of the 14th century "Book of the Hunt of Alfonso XI" (Libro de la Montería de Alfonso XI) in which hunting dogs called Alani are described as having beautiful colours.
During the Spanish Conquest, thee dogs were often used as war dogs for their use in conquest and guarding. While not in war, these dogs were often used in sport and hunting activities where they were known for their ability to catch and hold large prey such as deer, wild boar, and bulls.
In 1840, the English dog dealer Bill George imported a Spanish Bulldog he called "Big Headed Billy". He was used to increase the size of English Bulldogs.
As the world began to modernize and use for wartime, hunting and sporting activities diminished, the breed began to dwindle to near-extinct levels.
Concerned for the breed in the 1970s, a group of fanciers set about knocking on local doors to try and find any remaining specimens. Luckily a few viable mating options were found, and the breed was re-established.
Large dogs that are similar in appearance and may share the history of the Alano Español include the molossers of the Canary Islands such as the Dogo Canario (Perro de Presa Canario) as well as the Mastín Español (Spanish Mastiff) and the Dogo español (Spanish Dogo). Among some of the South American breeds descended from these dogs after being brought to newly conquered lands by the Spanish explorers and conquistadores are Cimarron Uruguayo, Dogo Argentino, the extinct Perro de Pelea Cordobes, and possibly, the Fila Brasileiro.
As an adult no less than 23 inches
75 to 88 lbs
Short, thick but never velvety
Brindle of any color, fawn, black and brindle; sable wolf. White chest flashes are acceptable but prevalence of white is not. The face may or may not have a black mask.
Muzzle is short with the lower jaw slightly concave, and has a very large, broad, black nose.
Set high and may be drop or cut short
Yes, as long as your dog meets one of our accepted breed standards we can register it through the American Bully Association ( ABA ).
No, providing genealogy / pedigree information (such as your dog’s parents) is not required. However, if such genealogy / pedigree information is known it should be submitted for inclusion and research. The level of pedigree that you receive with registration is based on a combination of what you submit and what our research reveals based on your initial input.
The single dog registration fess is $37.
The following discounts are available when registration of more than one dog is needed.
* 2 Dogs’ Registration = $67
* 3 Dogs’ registration = $87
* 4 = $97
* 5+ = $105
+ Litter registration is based on litter size.
+ Each individual pup for the first 10 pups = $10 per pup.
+ For litters larger than 10 pups each pup after the 10th is free.
+ No. In order to register a litter both parents must however meet one of our accepted breed class standards.
+ While it is not required both parents be ABA registered during litter registration it is highly encouraged.
+ Only having one parent registered can significantly impact how well the dog Family is tracked over time.
+ This link will take you to the single dog registration options.
Single Registration
+ On the provided link you will have the option to submit from 1-5 single dog registrations at a time.
+ All forms have the option of convenient online submission or if preferred print and mailable forms.
+ All forms come with complete, easy to follow instructions.
+ This link will take you to the litter registration options.
Litter Registration
+ All forms have the option of convenient online submission or if preferred print and mailable forms.
+ All forms come with complete, easy to follow instructions.
+ This link will take you to the family registration options.
Family Registration
+ All forms have the option of convenient online submission or if preferred print and mailable forms.
+ All forms come with complete, easy to follow instructions.
+ This link will take you to the parent plus litter plus 1 parent registration options. Litter Plus 1 Parent
+ All forms have the option of convenient online submission or if preferred print and mailable forms.
+ All forms come with complete, easy to follow instructions.
+ If a pup is pre-registered by your breeder through litter registration that breeder will receive an individual certificate per pup.
+ Each pre-registered litter pup certificate comes with the proper transfer completion form listed on the back of the certificate.
+The transfer certificate can only be found on the back of a pre-registered litter pup’s certificate and I NOT available directly to the public via the website.
+ The transfer form instructions reveal how you can properly finalize your pup’s registration to include ownership information, any desired name change, listing and access to your dogs’ LIVE Family tracking profile, upgraded access to member benefits and creation of an enhanced dedicated account through our social network
+The transfer process including postage is FREE for all ABA transfers.
+ Litter related registrations receive the highest priority and are typically processed in 2-4 weeks.
+ The standard registration process including transfers for an individual dog registration is typically 6-8 weeks.
+ At the ABA we provide FREE print quality pedigrees up to 7 generations.
+ If qualified Platinum Pedigrees are available of 8-11 Generations.
+ If a dog qualifies for Platinum Pedigree status the owner will be notified and provided upgrade options.
+ The Platinum Pedigree is the world’s largest print quality pedigree with up to 2,054 relationships.
+ The Platinum Pedigree is based on proprietary technology and exclusive to the American Bully Association
+ Comparisons are:
* ADBA 7 generation showing a maximum of 255 relationships
* UKC 6 generation showing a maximum of 127 relationships
* AKC and ABKC’s 5 generation pedigrees showing a maximum of 31 relationships.
+ When submitting a pedigree or genealogy for inclusion and research the following are the best options:
* When an official pedigree from another registry is available it should be submitted either by taking and providing high quality digital pictures or if mailing by photocopy. The largest ones available should be submitted as the more you provide the more we can research on your behalf.
* When official pedigrees are not available but genealogy is known it can be provided to us in the form of a link to your online resource if available or by printing and completing our free available template located here: MS Word Print And Editable Template or PDF Print Template
+ Yes, as a registered member you are encouraged to provide additional information as learned and available.
+ All added information will be made available both online in your dogs Family tracking profile as well as print quality options available.
+ All information will be researched for additional relationships used to further enhance your dogs’ Family knowledge absolutely FREE.
+ Nothing, anytime reasonable replacements of material is needed this is provided as a FREE member benefit.
+ All we need is you to request which specific material needs to be replaced and to verify you current mailing and email addresses to ensure proper receipt.
+ Pride of registration
+ Access to unprecedented genealogy and Family tracking
+ Added and Improved value in breed stock
+ Greater profits in breeding arrangements
+ FREE Kennel Certification for breeders
+ Exclusive access to unique promotional opportunities
+ Access to thousands of members world wide
+ Social media account with free enhancements
+ Access to place unlimited FREE marketing/classified adds including with pictures
+ Extended benefits only available through the American Bully Association
+ MUCH, MUCH, more...
Members can login to their account through our social network HERE.
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